SDK integration
SDK integration
SDK a basic understanding of Javascript/Typescript and installed Web3.
You can easily install the SDK using the command:
// with npm
npm install bridgemuual
// or with yarn
yarn add bridgemutual
Purchase policy
import {_getWhitelistedContracts, getCoverageApprove, provideCoverage} from 'bridgemutual';
//returnts list of whitelisted contracts
param {Object} web3 - instance of web3
param {Boolean} isTest - for use Rinkeby TestNet
_getWhitelistedContracts(web3, isTest).then(policies => {
//policies <== list of policies
//returns approved contract
param {Number} id - Id of policy
param {Object} web3 - instance of web3
param {Number} weeks - period of policy
param {Number} amount - amount of policy
param {String} userAddress - user address (in ETH)
getApprove(id, web3, weeks, amount, userAddress).then(approvedContract => {
//approvedContract <== list of policies
//returns policy price
param {String} userAddress - user address (in ETH)
param {Number} id - Id of policy
param {Number} amount - amount of policy
param {Number} weeks - period of policy
param {Object} web3 - instance of web3
getPolicyPrice(userAddress, id, amount, weeks, web3).then(policyPrice => {
//policyPrice <== policy price in USDT
//returns current allowance
param {Object} web3 - instance of web3
param {String} userAddress - user address (in ETH)
param {Number} id - Id of policy
param {Boolean} isTest - for use Rinkeby TestNet
getAllowance (web3, userAddress, id, isTest).then(currentAllowance => {
//currentAllowance <== current allowance
//returns current allowance
param {Object} web3 - instance of web3
param {String} userAddress - user address (in ETH)
param {Number} id - Id of policy
param {Boolean} isTest - for use Rinkeby TestNet
resetAllowance(web3, userAddress, id, isTest).then(currentAllowance => {
//currentAllowance <== current allowance equal 0
//returns current allowance
param {Object} web3 - instance of web3
param {String} userAddress - user address (in ETH)
param {Number} id - Id of policy
param {Number} policyPrice - from getPolicyPrice method
param {Boolean} isTest - for use Rinkeby TestNet
setAllowance (web3, userAddress, id, policyPrice, isTest).then(currentAllowance => {
//currentAllowance <== current allowance
//returns policy purchase result
param {Number} id - Id of policy
param {Object} web3 - instance of web3
param {String} userAddress - user address (in ETH)
param {Number} weeks - period of policy
param {Number} amount - amount of policy
param {String} referralAddress - user address (in ETH)
buyPolicy(id, web3, userAddress, weeks, amount, referralAddress).then()
Display purchased policies
import {_getWhitelistedContracts, getCoverageApprove, provideCoverage} from 'bridgemutual';
//returnts list of whitelisted contracts
param {Object} web3 - instance of web3
param {Boolean} isTest - for use Rinkeby TestNet
_getWhitelistedContracts(web3, isTest).then(policies => {
//policies <== list of policies
//returns list of purchased policies
param {Object} web3 - instance of web3
param {String} userAddress - user address (in ETH)
param {Boolean} active - active/unactive policies
param {Number} offset - offset
param {Number} limit - limit
param {Boolean} isTest - for use Rinkeby TestNet
getPurchasedPolicies (web3, userAddress, active, offset, limit, isTest).then(listPurchasedPolicies => {
//listPurchasedPolicies <== list purchased policies
Earn Interest
import {_getWhitelistedContracts, getCoverageApprove, provideCoverage} from 'bridgemutual';
//returnts list of whitelisted contracts
param {Object} web3 - instance of web3
param {Boolean} isTest - for use Rinkeby TestNet
_getWhitelistedContracts(web3, isTest).then(policies => {
//policies <== list of policies
//returns current allowance
param {Object} web3 - instance of web3
param {String} userAddress - user address (in ETH)
param {Number} id - Id of policy
param {Boolean} isTest - for use Rinkeby TestNet
getAllowance (web3, userAddress, id, isTest).then(currentAllowance => {
//currentAllowance <== current allowance
//returns current allowance
param {Object} web3 - instance of web3
param {String} userAddress - user address (in ETH)
param {Number} id - Id of policy
param {Boolean} isTest - for use Rinkeby TestNet
resetAllowance(web3, userAddress, id, isTest).then(currentAllowance => {
//currentAllowance <== current allowance equal 0
//returns current allowance
param {Object} web3 - instance of web3
param {String} userAddress - user address (in ETH)
param {Number} id - Id of policy
param {Number} amount - amount of coverage
param {Boolean} isTest - for use Rinkeby TestNet
setAllowance (web3, userAddress, id, amount, isTest).then(currentAllowance => {
//currentAllowance <== current allowance
//returns coverage provided result
param {Number} id - Id of policy
param {String} userAddress - user address (in ETH)
param {Number} amount - amount of coverage
provideCoverage(id, userAddress, amount).then()
Last updated
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